2024 UtmostU Enrollment Form

Hey there! Congrats on your decision to join UtmostU. This is your first step in building your support system after high school. Please fill out this enrollment form to let us know who you are, where your goals are taking you, and where your UtmostU team can support you.  We collect personal information through this form to learn more about you and know how to contact you. All information collected in this survey is kept confidential in a secure database.  Est. Survey Time: 12 -15 mins
Tell us who you are.

N/A if none

Which email do you check most often?

We can hook you up with a free T-Mobile data line to help save you thousands of $$ during your time as an UtmostU fellow.
Who is your primary family contact person?

This can be a parent, guardian, or other family member who very closely supports you on your college or career journey.       

Where do you call home?

You are considered to have a disability if you have a physical or mental impairment or medical condition that limits a major life activity. Examples can include ADHD, Autism, Blindness, Deafness, Cancer, Crohn's Disease, Diabetes, Dyslexia, and Cerebral Palsy, Wheelchair use, and more.

Selec all that apply.

N/A if none

If you are still in high school, where do you plan to go to college? If you have already graduated, where are you currently enrolled or where do you plan to enroll?

Choose the closest match
Being a first-generation student means that your parent(s) did not complete a 2- or 4-year college or university degree, regardless of other family member's level of education. You can have older siblings who are enrolled or completed college and still be considered a first-generation student.

Choose the closest match

Enrollment Survey

The following questions were created with your success in mind. By answering these questions honestly, you'll be providing your coach with some great insight into how you are doing and where they can step in to support U. 
How true are the following statements about your High School experience?
How often do you do the following tasks?
How true are the following statements?
How confident are you that you could complete the following tasks?
To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

Finally, let's talk about money

What is your role in all of this?
If you do not fulfill your responsibilities as part of this agreement, UtmostU has the right to remove you from the program. We certainly do not want to do this, but we need to make this clear.
UtmostU can hook you up with loads of resources that help get you on the path to success ranging from internships, summer classes, and scholarships to help keep you going. We regularly send out emails and texts, as well as social media posts that will keep you up-to-date!
We understand life happens and your interests may change! Knowing this information will help us support you.
This can include unofficial transcripts, FAFSA and Financial Aid information, class schedules, etc.
This may be over a phone or video call, texts, social media, or in-person meeting.
This may be over a phone or video call, texts, social media, or in-person meeting.
Please read the below statement and let us know we're on the same page. 

Your privacy is important to us.

I agree that UtmostU may share my personal information with its supporting staff and its affiliates to assist UtmostU and its affiliates in administering the program. I am aware that the personal information that UtmostU may share may identify me and may include details such as name, address, phone number, email address, birthdate, ethnicity, gender, and certain financial information.